Calming Activities for Preschool
Prior to or upon arrival to school
- Walk to school if that is an option, carry a heavy backpack or pull a wagon, push a stroller with heavy objects or another person in it.
- Use a scooter, scooter board, roller skates or a bike to get to school
- Open (heavy) doors independently
- Various animal walks incorporating crawling, jumping, arm movements, etc.
Circle Time or seated tasks
- Hold squeeze toys, silky fabrics, vibrating toy, small amount of playdough
- Sit on a ball, rocking chair, bean bag, or almost fully deflated beach ball on a chair
- Do chair push ups while sitting (place palms on seat of chair and push body upward)
- Hold objects with weight (books, cans) in lap
- Tape a circle on the floor or use a carpet square where child is to sit
- Allow child to lie on stomach on floor
- Have child slide or carry chair to circle area
- Incorporate animal walks (frog, bear, crab, snake etc.) to provide movement to seated tasks
- Incorporate reward system (small piece of gummy or crunchy candy, stickers, stamp to hand, high five, verbal praise) intermittently for appropriate behavior. Be sure to simply explain appropriate/inappropriate behavior
Heavy work throughout the day (center time/guided free play)
- Playdough, dough, putty (rolling pin, flatten, pull apart, knead, push together, push pegs/coins into it, hammer)
- Dry noodles, rice, beans, birdseed, sand, water (pour, touch, mix)
- Mop, sweep, vacuum
- Use hole punch
- Finger-paint, shaving creme
- Tweezers
- Blow toys (straws, instruments, cotton balls)
- Vibrating pens, drawing on textured surface (sandpaper, bubble wrap, Lego table)
- Standing at an easel for painting, drawing, cutting
- Resistive manipulatives (pop beads, Legos, foam puzzles)
- Wear heavy backpack during this time (be sure to remove prior to gross motor play)
- Laundry play (fold, iron, carry laundry basket, slide another child sitting in the basket)
instruments (marching, banging, blowing) - Obstacle course
- Make a quiet area with pillows, beanbag, tent or small child pool with balls in it (ball pit), low light, calming music, books, squeeze toys or vibration, silky fabrics for self calming
- Row your boat (stand or sit holding another’s hands, rock back and forth)
Heavy work for outside/gym
- Bikes, scooters, scooter board (pull another child as they are on their stomach or have child hold rope as they are pulled on their stomach on scooter board), roller-skates
- Swinging, monkey bars, playground equipment, tug of war
- Shovel snow, rake leaves
- Spray bottles, chalk, blow bubbles, paint walls/ground with paintbrush and water
- Obstacle course (jump, roll, run, crawl, etc.)
- Wagon pull and wagon rides
- Catch, kick, throw, t-ball
- Fly a kite
- Sand and water play
Snack/Meal Time
- Have the child be a snack helper to pass out cups, plates, etc.
- Wipe off the tables using large motions
- Carry heavy cans of juice, pitchers
- Chair push-ups
- Crunchy or gummy candy, Twizzlers, milkshakes through a straw
- Stack chairs at the end of meal times
- Quiet music, white noise, low lights
- Rocking, vibration, deep massage
- Heavy blanket on legs, wrap in blanket or youth sleeping bag
- Lie in hammock or beanbag
- Hold silky fabric, Taggie blanket, etc.
- Token rewards (stickers, verbal praise) for staying in bed, on mat
- Page through books
Great rreading