Taste/Smell Sensitivity
- Crunchy cereal, firm fruit (apples)
- Vibrating toothbrush or massager
- Whistles to help decrease a child putting his/her tongue into an open cup
- Drawing shapes and letters in pudding
- Gradually increasing willingness to taste a certain food
- Tolerating the food on the table
- Tolerating the food near his/her plate
- Tolerating the smell of the food near his/her nose
- Tolerating the food on his/her lips
- Tolerating the food on his tongue
- Tolerating one bite
- Allowing your child to wear sunglasses or a hat when outside
- Making letters or shapes in different craft media (i.e. clay, playdough, shaving cream, string, pudding, popsicle sticks, sand paper)
- Cutting on a straight or curved line
- Tracking activities such as following clouds, birds, squirrels or airplanes move with your eyes
- Ball play making sure to follow the ball with your eyes
- Playing with a streamer on stick and following it with your eyes
- Whistles that have an eye following component
- Flashlight play